Friday, January 25, 2008

On Hold

Our quest for sensors is on hold for the moment while we deal with school. We are all pretty busy with our jobs and night classes (finite element analysis for me, fun), so we will get things together and on the site once we get our other work done. Stay Tuned.

But dont worry, our kits are working! (for now....)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Broken Sensors

We have seen some internet traffic that people are having the same sensor issues we are having. Sooooo, we have decided our first task will be to find replacement sensors. Keep your eye out.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

First Post!

We decided to set up a blog while we get the website up and running so that we can keep track of our development process. Welcome!

If you dont know who we are, we are basically 3 gaming nerds with a bunch of fancy degrees who are fed up with our crappy Rock Band drum kit. So we are here to try and figure out how to make them better. A lot of parts on our kits have broken all ready and we are researching new / better replacement products. If we come up with anything good, we will post it here. Stay Tuned.